About Us
Every family treasure their children more than anything in their life. From the moment they are born, each child is nurtured and given the utmost care to safeguard them from potential challenges and lead them to their optimum development.
During the vulnerable stage of infancy, every mother’s dream is to ensure perfect health for her little one. It is during this time new mothers come across many challenges, many of which they have never thought of before. With the new realization and not knowing where to look for help, they struggle to help their children with their growth and development.
Among the many challenges, delays in development are a major concern among families with newborns around the world.
“Motherhood is about raising and celebrating the child you have, not the child you thought you would have. It is about understanding that he is exactly the person he is supposed to be”
Only an early assessment of the functional level of the baby could give us a clear picture on “developmental delays.” Recent estimates in the United States share that among one sixth (or above 17%) of children aged between 3 to 17 years,
have one or more developmental delays that need to be addressed.
What do we mean by developmental disabilities? Developmental Disabilities are a group of conditions,
due to an impairment in physical, language, or behavior areas.
About one in six children in the United States have one or more developmental disabilities or other developmental delays. (www.cdc.gov.about)
The leading professionals around the globe emphasize the benefits of early intervention. It means early remedial developmental activities and therapies would lead the child to the normal path of growth.
Early Intervention at Home
“Having a child with developmental delays is not a tragedy, but the challenge that brings out the best in a mother”
Child Development experts point out that early intervention at home can make a quality-of-life difference in a child’s growth and development.
Intervention immediately after birth to three years of age, can make a decisive impact in growth and development.
Outcome based studies reveal that if infants get involved in developmental programs soon after birth, it would eliminate or substantially minimize the possibility before the debilitating condition sets in.
Developmental disabilities differ from child to child.
To identify this accurately and to get the necessary interventions needed, is a must.
But a good number of parents of newborns find it hard to get support at this stage and hence feel frustrated.
It is often considered as a medical problem rather than a developmental problem.
At times even professionals lack necessary expertise in assessing children with delays in development and directing parents according to the child’s specific needs.
As parents want to make available the best possible solutions at the earliest, and when they find it impossible, they are confused.
Intervene, Within Critical Time
The loss of critical time in the early days of a child’s life, can cause irreparable damage and affect their growth and development permanently. It is a well proven fact that early intervention, followed up by early therapy, will bring positive results.
Needed; A Developmental Approach
Until recently, developmental delays were misconstrued as a medical problem alone.
In recent times there is a wide spread awareness among parents and professionals, a developmental program in the early days of life, can create the best results.
Empowering parents and implementing developmental programs, can prevent many children from dealing with the challenges of disabilities.
Well trained parents with professional support can positively impact the child’s developmental journey.
It can improve the developmental outcome of the child, and enhance the overall wellbeing of the family.
What is important, is the fact that the helplessness of parents is replaced by confidence to oversee the situation.
Unlike families with normally functioning children, families having children with delays in development encounter innumerable, and often unique challenges.
This situation was once thought to be difficult to overcome; not anymore. We, as an organization, have constantly been updating approaches, methods, and technological solutions, to improve the life and conditions of all children.
As a result, we now witness more confident and empowered parents, who can manage the developmental needs of their child much better than anytime before.
They are aware that we are just a call away.
Thanks to technology!
At times parents come across difficulties in accessing appropriate healthcare services, professional support, parental training programs, interdisciplinary support systems, to mention a few. Now our platform-based services offer to bridge the big gap.
New Technology, New Possibilities
“The true beauty of technology is that it brings people together. It connects us in ways that were once unimaginable and helps us to solve problems that we could not solve on our own”
Home Integration, Inc. has always been at the forefront of bringing solutions to improve the quality of life for children with disabilities and their families. Our platform-based in-home services enabled us to bring essential developmental services into the comfort of your home. This is a significant development that has positive impact in the lives of many families. It is a great resource for parents who now can easily access our unique services.
“Our Child’s Life”
“Our Child’s Life” online platform was designed to assist families in helping their child meet their developmental milestones. This platform was implemented by Home Integration, Inc. to reach more families with our one-of-a-kind program.

We are here to help you navigate through the development stages of your child’s life
Our Services
One Online Platform, an Array of Services for all
“A child with a developmental delay is like a butterfly struggling to emerge from its
cocoon. With time, patience, and the right environment, they will eventually spread
their wings and soar”
ourchildslife.us is a platform-based child service provider, associated with “Home Integration, Inc. ” which has more than five decades of history in the area of child services. Home Integration (Help Organize Mainstreaming Efforts), has been focusing on mainstreaming efforts, including supporting, organizing, training and education for children with developmental delays. Home Integration Inc. was founded by Fr. Paul Zahler, O.S.B., Ph.D. and is currently led by Co-founder and Executive Director, K.P. Mohanachandran. Home Integration, Inc. is fully committed to assist children with delays in development and their families on multiple levels. Our Child Development Center has been providing services by directly working with children. Since 1965 we have served more than 8,000 children and have made a significant difference to their families. We are also providing programs for adults with developmental delays, assisting them in independent living. Educational and recreational camping programs are also provided by us regularly, in addition to training for the volunteers, professionals, paraprofessionals working in this field. Training the parents plays a vital part in our area of service.
The major part of our early work was to travel around the globe to identify best practices. We also documented our study visits in detail, showing the service delivery systems throughout different parts of the world.
Fr. Paul Zahler, our founder, along with an International team of professionals, documented best practices and made long standing relationships with the best of the programs.
A documented study visit tells the story of the evolution of disability services and various training programs since the 1980’s.
These study visits were completed with limited resources and funding.
Beginning of an Eventful Journey
“Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together, made this world a beautiful garden”
This platform, bringing together different services in a user-friendly format, is the beginning of an outreach service.
The road before us is long, and we have an ambitious plan to find solutions for the unresolved issues of children with disabilities.
What We Offer
We introduce our child-centered, early screening, and developmental activity-based solutions through our “in-home” services.
Training parents, offering guidance, and counseling based on our wealth of experience spanning 50 years, is a major part of our work.
In-home services like physical therapy and nutritional counseling, based on the needs of the family are also provided.
We are in the process of assembling an array of services in consultation for the families in our network.
Our child-centered, family-focused approach will be of great assistance for families seeking effective solutions for the challenges faced by their children.

Initial Assessment
Initial assessment is done to find out the client's current Developmental status.

Personalized Development Plan
Creation of Personalized Development Activity Plan.

Regular Monitor
Monitoring Client’s progress at Regular Intervals.